Google AppScript: Get Latitude Longitude & Distance between Places/City

This article shows how to get latitude and longitude of a particular place or city. We read the city/place name from a Google Spreadsheet, then get the latitude and longitude of that place using Google AppScript’s “Maps” class and then save the lat long in the spreadsheet. We will also be reading two places name … Read more

Google AppScript: Send Multiple Emails by reading data from Spreadsheet

This article shows how to read list of email addresses, subject and message body from Google Spreadsheet and send separate emails to all of them with Google AppScript. First, let’s see a simple example of sending single message to a particular email address. Send Single Email Here, AppScript’s MailApp class is used to send email. … Read more

Google AppScript: Create and Write to Google SpreadSheet

This article shows how to create a new Google Sheet and write data into it with Google AppScript. We will also be writing data into existing Google SpreadSheet. Create a new Google Sheet and write data into it with AppScript The following function will create a Google Sheet named TestSheet in your Google Drive. Then, … Read more

Google AppScript: Basic/Beginner Introduction [TUTORIAL]

This tutorial provides a very basic introduction to Google App Script. I will also list out the works that can be done with AppScript. And, I will be showing very basic Javascript code that can be run on AppScript’s console. In this article, we will be dealing only with Javascript arrays and loops. What is … Read more

Google Social Connect: Redirect URI mismatch error

Scenario: I have setup Google Social Connect on a website. When I try to login through Google Social Connect, I get the following 404 error stating: Error: redirect_uri_mismatch The redirect URI in the request: http://MY-WEBSITE-URL/socialconnect/google/connect/ did not match the registered redirect URI. Cause: A possible cause for such kind of error is mismatch of URL … Read more

PHP: Google Spreadsheet with OAuth (Add, Edit, Delete, View data)

I was using ClientLogin method to access and update Google Spreadsheet. The ClientLogin method was in a deprecated state and now it has been turned off. We now need to use OAuth for authentication. Google APIs Client Library for PHP enables you to work with Google APIs such as Google+, Drive, or YouTube on your … Read more

Magento: Google Analytics not working after Magento upgrade to version 1.7

Problem:- I recently upgraded a Magento shop from version 1.6 to 1.7 and suddenly the Google Analytics stopped tracking data. Solution:- You need to add ‘template’ attribute to googleanlytics block in app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/layout/googleanalytics.xml Note:- If you are using the default Magento design then your_package = default or base your_theme = default Here is the edited googleanalytics.xml … Read more

Google Adsense: Describing CTR, CPC, CPM, RPM, Page views & Impression

Google Adsense is a very popular program for earning money online. Google Adsense generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. In this article, I will be describing some of the key terms of Google Analytics. They are Clickthrough rate (CTR), Cost-per-click (CPC), Cost-per-thousand (CPM), and Revenue per thousand impressions (RPM). Before understanding these … Read more
