LaTeX: How to add bibliography and references?

There are two ways to add bibliography (references) to your document. One is for small document with few bibliography items using thebibliography environment. The other is for large documents where there are many bibliography items using packages like biblatex. 1) BIBLIOGRAPHY ON SMALL DOCUMENTS If you have few bibliography items, which is a general case … Read more

LaTeX: Generate dummy text (lorem ipsum) in your document

If we want dummy text in our document then we generally search for lorem ipsum text generators and copy-paste those texts/paragraphs in our document. In LaTeX, we don’t need to do such copy and paste thing. LaTeX has different packages which automatically generates dummy text in our document. You can generate them with just a … Read more

LaTeX: How to write algorithm?

There are different packages that help writing algorithms on LaTeX. I will be using algorithm2e package for writing algorithm in LaTeX. This package should work fine if you have installed ‘TeX Live Full‘. Otherwise, you may get error while using algorithm2e package. If you get an error then you need to install the package ‘texlive-science‘ … Read more

GPG: Encryption, Decryption & Digital Signature with Public & Private Key [A Complete Tutorial]

GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG) is a free cryptographic software that can secure data transfer and communication between two parties by encrypting, signing and verifying data. Public Key Cryptography GnuPG uses public-key cryptography to communicate securely between two parties. In a public-key system, each user has a pair of keys: a private key and … Read more

Joomla: Show Module inside Article

Sometime you might need to show any module’s content inside your article. For example, you have installed a image slideshow module. Now, you might need to show the image slideshow within your article page. For this purpose, Joomla CMS comes with the default plugin (Content – Load Modules) to show module’s content in any article. … Read more

Joomla: Add Image Slideshow in Article

I had to add an image slideshow just at the beginning of an article in Joomla CMS. I searched for such extension and found few good ones. 1) Simple Picture Slideshow | Demo This is a simple extension with only one transition effect ‘fade out’. Slideshow can be started manually or automatically on pageload. Button … Read more

Git: Very Basic Commands

Here are some very basic git commands. They are very useful for git beginners. Here is the step-by-step guide: Go to any folder where you want to create local copy of your repository cd /path/to/your/directory Create a working copy of a local repository git clone /path/to/repository For remove server: git clone username@host:/path/to/repository For example, if … Read more